Where New Beginnings Are Encouraged

Here at Star XO, we give ‘different’ a new definition...

We strive to inspire you with all the knowledge we’ve acquired through research and study, dedication and devotion. Our goal is to assist in furthering your spiritual journey. Whether you are new and just browsing, looking for different methods of healing, relieving stress or simply to restore wellness and balance to your body, mind, and soul, you can find it here! We don’t only offer you quality products but also at affordable prices. We know from experience how challenging it can be at the beginning of this journey. For all my advance, intermediate, and beginner witches, spiritualists, and pagans/heathens; we have your tools here. It doesn't matter what path you walk or what beliefs you may have, allow yourself to become one with your spirit, nature and the universe. With our divine Goddesses, Gods, ancestors, the elements, and energies that surrounds us, you can learn of the many benefits that can be integrated in your life. Let’s not forget our universe and knowledge that lives within its shimmering stars. You're not alone, do not fear and most of all embrace your calling.

Disclaimer: The products and information listed in our metaphysical store are strictly for spiritual/religious and/or therapeutic practice purposes only. They are NOT intended to substitute a licensed professional’s advice or care.

The Backstory of Our Logo

Let us begin!

The color green, of the many favorite colors natrue has; represents growth, harmony, fertility, abundance, and freshness. Gold on the other hand is part of the universe’s stardust element list. It represents illumination, compassion, courage, and success.

Why star? Short for our North Star. May it always serve us as a guide and illumination. Since ancient times, our ancestors have discribed the stars as forever, hope, destiny, heavens, and freedom. Yet in modern times, our science magick has expressed that most of the elements that forms our bodies were formed in the stars over the course of billions of years and multiple star lifetimes. Our existence originated from stardust.

"X" is the Gebo rune in the Elder Futhar alphabet, from the Norse pantheon. Gebo represents Gift. It is a symbol of dissolution of barriers through exchange, partnership, generosity. Gifting, passing on, not hoarding beautiful gifts meant to be distributed.

"O" is the Othala rune. This rune respresents Roots. It symbolizes ancestral linages, the rightful inheritance and collection of the numinous powers and knowledge from past generations. We can find stardust in our roots, when the waves of the mind are still and thee eye is awaken.

The purpose of our logo is to serve as a reminder that even when we feel lost in the midst of the darkness, we are never alone but always guided. We are loved and protected by forces beyond our comprehension.